Get comfortable in your own pajamas as you take an emotional roller coaster ride in “Pajama Stories for All”. Topics include learning new vocabulary, living with a disability, finding kindness from strangers, discrimination, saying goodbye to loved ones, and happy endings.
45 minutes
Thu 7/21 @ 7:30PM
Sat 7/23 @ 7PM
Sat 7/23 @ 7PM
Recommended For
All Ages
One Person Show, Performance Art
LGBTQ, Special Needs Classes, Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Judgement and Shamed Unfairly, Death, Hospice

After sustaining a second Traumatic Brain Injury, my life change forever. I was fortunate to meet “Thomas James”, when I first returned from Regions Trauma Center. While TJ helped me with physical therapy in the pool and spending time with my dog, Tucker, I helped him learn to read and swim. TJ, his friend Katie, her mother, and I shared a great love for “Four-Footed Furry Friends”. Learning about bullying and discrimination was impossible to explain and experience for each of us. Eventually our lives drifted apart, as friendships sometimes do. After years of rehabilitation, I was finally “Learning to Love My Life, Again”. I found myself in a new relationship, one I never dreamed possible with a disability. And I was reunited with a dear friend! One Christmas, my partner, Nanette, got a call that her mother had another fall. I was able to help Nanette’s nieces with final good-byes at hospice as retold in “Nikki, Tori, & Grandma”. No matter how hard, life gets better.
Explore our hashtags across your favorite social platforms:
#MarieCooneyStories #PajamaStoriesForAdults #liveperformance #truestories #storytelling #LGBTQstories #shortstories #virtualstories #BorderLightFringe #MNFringe #DenverFringe #WorldFringe #FringeFestivals #ExcruciatingPain #IntimateConversations #disabilitystories #metoo
Additional Info
LIVE PERFORMANCES IN MINNESOTA: MN Fringe 2019 first time producer of "Stories by Marie Cooney & Guests" with five different topics and 18 performers; Twin Cities MOTH at Amsterdam Bar and Parkway Theater; OUTSpoken (LGBTQ) at various venues; Word Sprout at Strike Theater, Story Club Minnesota at Bryant Lake Bowl, Improv at Huge Theater, various bookstores, bars, and more. RADIO HOST twice for KFAI in Twin Cities for International Women's Day regarding Women and Brain Injuries. CABLE TV INTERVIEWS: Disability Landscapes which is also available on YouTube. DISABILITY ADVOCATE for people with neurological disabilities and challenges to attend live performances with reasonable accommodations at various venues. LOCAL, NATIONAL, AND INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL STORYTELLING: Marie Cooney Stories, SAM: Storytelling Artists Minnesota, Story Club USA, Risk USA, NSN: National Storytelling Network, Worldwide Storytellers, RAPS: River and Prairie Storytellers, GRIT, and more. BLOGS/PUBLICATIONS: Lash and Associates Publishing and Education; US and Canadian Brain Injury Articles; Included in Anthology - Can't Someone Fix What Ails Me? Available as public speaker, teacher, storyteller, sailor and more!